Content tagged “progressive web apps”

  1. What’s new on iOS 12.2 for Progressive Web Apps – Maximiliano Firtman – Medium

    One year after the first initial support for PWAs on iOS, Apple released iOS 12.2 for iPhone and iPads with what it seems to be the biggest step forward in the last year, addressing the two most annoying problems we’ve been dealing with PWAs: reload effect and OAuth logins.

    Maximiliano Firtman details at great length the updates to Safari available in iOS 12.2. The good, the bad, and the ugly. It’s all covered in this post.

  2. Adactio: Journal—The imitation game

    Jeremy, on how he thinks about building progressive web apps:

    In my opinion, the term “progressive web app” can be read in order of priority:

    1. Progressive—build in a layered way so that anyone can access your content, regardless of what device or browser they’re using, rewarding the more capable browsers with more features.
    2. Web—you’re building for the web. Don’t lose sight of that. URLs matter. Accessibility matters. Performance matters.
    3. App—sure, borrow what works from native apps if it makes sense for your situation.

    He also links to Jason Grigsby’s Designing Responsive Progressive Web Apps which is another great read.