Content tagged “HTTP”

  1. Request Map Generator

    Submit a URL to generate a node map of all of the requests on the page. Rapidly identify what third-parties are on your site, where your transmitted bytes are coming from and how slow your domains are!

    I can’t believe I haven’t saved this useful website before, but it made its way back into my timeline via Jeffrey’s notes from An Event Apart Chicago. Learn more about Request Map Generator by reading Simon Hearne’s introductory blog post.

  2. The future of loading CSS -

    Chrome’s about to change how it handles <link rel="stylesheet">. This is big news and Jake’s got the rundown:

    The plan is for each <link rel="stylesheet"> to block rendering of subsequent content while the stylesheet loads, but allow the rendering of content before it. The stylesheets load in parallel, but they apply in series. This makes <link rel="stylesheet"> behave similar to <script src="…"></script>.

    It’ll take some getting used to sprinkling <link rel="stylesheet"> throughout a page’s <body>, but the performance benefits (coupled with HTTP/2) will be worth it.

  3. Chunked transfer encoding in Rails (streaming)

    Using the Transfer-Encoding: chunked header, the server will send chunks of the rendered page back to the browser so in the case of Rails, it starts with the layout and sends out the <head> part including assets like js and css.

    Chunked transfer encoding is a great way to improve page performance for the parts of your application that require time-consuming database queries. The Rails-level changes are straightforward, but unfortunately not all Ruby web servers support the feature (looking at you, Puma).