What I've been up to lately

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Wow, so it’s been awhile. I apologize for that, it’s been a tad hectic around here lately. A few things I’ve been up to:

  • Went down to Atlanta, GA for my buddy Ryan’s wedding. I was honored to be one of Ryan’s groomsmen and I wish him and Nikki well in their new life together. It was a good time and I met some great people whilst down South. In-progress Flickr set.
  • Refresh DC is going gangbusters. We’ve got a great meeting set up for tomorrow night on Microformats. I’m looking forward to this one. It’ll be the first presentation I’m not actively participating in, so I get to sit back and soak up the knowledge.
  • Cindy Li invited me along to dinner with her, Porter and his wife Laura, and none other than Eric Meyer. Yes, the Eric Meyer. Good food and good company. It was an honor and a privilege to be ribbed by the man who wrote the book on CSS. </namedropping>

There’s one or two other major items that I can’t mention quite yet. Big news coming soon. Sit tight, folks.