Using browser-sync with Compass, Jekyll, and Foreman

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Building and testing websites in a bunch of browsers and on a bunch of devices can be a real pain. Save a file, flip to a browser, hit reload. Grab a phone or tablet, hit reload. Etc. etc. etc.

There are a number of tools (like Live Reload, Ghostlab, and Adobe Edge Inspect CC) that solve the multi-browser, many-device problem in different ways. I’ve tried out most of them, usually settling on one for a while before completely re-thinking my workflow. Nothing really stuck.

browser-sync popped up on my radar thanks to Addy Osmani’s great introduction post. browser-sync, a Node.js module, will automatically reload all connected browsers when a file changes. It can even live-inject CSS files without requiring a full page reload. On top of that, it will also synchronize scroll position and form input. Super-handy if you’re testing pages that require authentication.

In this post, I’ll cover how I combined browser-sync with a couple of my favorite tools (Compass, Jekyll, and Foreman) to build out a static site and make browser and device testing easier.

The following assumes that you are somewhat familiar with front-end development tools like Compass, Jekyll, and Node, and aren’t afraid of the command line.


You can find detailed installation instructions for each of the dependencies on their respective websites. But, briefly:

npm install -g browser-sync
gem install compass foreman jekyll

File Structure

The application we’ll be discussing will have the following file structure:

• config
  • browser-sync.js
  • compass.rb
  • jekyll.yml
• html
• src
  • jekyll
  • sass


For this example, we’re using a pretty basic Compass configuration.

From config/compass.rb:

http_path       = '/'
css_dir         = 'src/jekyll/assets/stylesheets'
images_dir      = 'src/jekyll/assets/images'
sass_dir        = 'src/sass'

output_style    = :compressed
relative_assets = true

The above settings will compile all Sass files in src/sass into src/jekyll/assets/stylesheets. Your settings may differ, of course, based on your project’s file structure (there’s a long list of available options).


Configuring Jekyll is similarly straightforward. You’ll likely have more settings in this file, but here’s the bare minimum you’ll need to get started.

From config/jekyll.yml:

source: ./src/jekyll
destination: ./html

Set a source and a destination. Pretty simple, right?


Finally, we’ll add some configuration for browser-sync—the newest tool in the workflow.

browser-sync, being a Node.js module, takes a configuration file similar to other Node modules you may use (like Grunt).

From config/browser-sync.js:

module.exports = {
    debugInfo: true,
    files: [
    ghostMode: {
        forms: true,
        links: true,
        scroll: true
    server: {
        baseDir: 'html'

There are plenty of configuration options available. In our config, we’re telling browser-sync to do the following:

  1. Spit out as much debug information into the console as possible.
  2. Watch for changes to any CSS or HTML files in our output directory (which we set to html in our Jekyll configuration).
  3. Set three of the four ghostMode options to true.
  4. Provide a baseDir since we want to serve static HTML, CSS, etc.

Tying everything together with Foreman

Now that we have the configuration sorted out for each of our application’s three processes, let’s wrangle everything using Foreman. If you’re anything like me, you hate having a dozen terminal tabs open, each running a single process. This is why I love Foreman.

In the root of your project, create a Procfile and add the following:

jekyll:       bundle exec jekyll build --config config/jekyll.yml --trace --watch
compass:      bundle exec compass watch
browser-sync: browser-sync --config config/browser-sync.js

Let’s take a look the jekyll process:

bundle exec jekyll build --config config/jekyll.yml --trace --watch

We’re using jekyll build with the --watch flag instead of jekyll serve since we rely on browser-sync’s built-in server. The --trace switch is a convenient addition that will display a backtrace when an error occurs. Super handy for rooting out bugs.

The Compass line is about as basic as it gets. For browser-sync, we’re passing our configuration file using the --config switch.

That’s it! What we’ve done here is given Foreman instructions on how to run our three processes. After that, starting up the application is as easy as running foreman start.

Working It

Now that everything is up and running, we should be able to connect to our application at the IP address and port number (e.g. provided by browser-sync. Open up that URL in as many browsers as you can find, scroll and click to your heart’s content, and watch as every connected browsers and devices update in real time.

Similarly, as we make changes to our application (either the markup or styles), browser-sync will push these updates to all connected devices. No need to manually refresh!


There you have it: a rough outline of how I brought together several useful tools to quickly develop and test a web project.