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Carbomb and I just finished up Groupr, a Flickr API app that lets you view the latest photos from your (or anyone else’s) groups. It’s also the first in what (I hope) will be a long line of web apps and widgets from 200ok.

The idea for Groupr came to me as I found it increasingly difficult to keep up with recent photos in the Flickr groups I belong to. Flickr, for all of its amazing features, doesn’t have a means by which you can view thumbnails of all of your groups. The provide a logged in user a pageview of recent photos from all of your contacts, but not the groups.

I was spending an increasingly inordinate amount of time browsing my groups via RSS. The one downfall (in my mind) of the RSS feeds was the need to cycle through every element. NetNewsWire does provide different views for RSS feeds, but it wasn’t quite what I was looking for. I also wanted to be able to access my “groupview” from any web-connected computer.

And that leads us to Groupr. So go on, have some fun with it.